Sunday, December 10, 2006

Dear Santa,

I have pretty much anything a year and a half year old boy could ask for, but there are a few things I would like. I'm not really into material goods, so perhaps you can't help me but I thought I'd try.

1. I know someday I'll inevitably be an awkward, pimply teenager, but could you do anything to ensure that I'm always THIS cute....? And, if you can't aid me in the cute department, could you burn this image into mama's brain so she always remembers how angelic I was...It could come in handy later one day when I want the car or if I ever rob a bank.
2. This one is for my mama...You see, Santa, I go to bed very early so sometimes mama is extremely bored and she wishes she had a hobby...can you give her a hobby?
3. A box, a laundry basket, something I can climb in and out of with ease..something that doesn't tip over.
4. More mod-ies..anything directed by Baby Einstein.
5. This blasted Ottawa winter really kills me when I want to go outside. I can barely move in that snowsuit they put me in. I need freedom of movement. Can your elves craft something that keeps me warm and allows me to bend over without falling?

That's all for now, Santa...Love, Little H. xoxoxoxoxo

Sunday, November 26, 2006

The season of upon us.

This is a stressful time of the year for me. Though, I must admit having a curious toddler who is fascinated by lights does much in the way of boosting my Christmas spirit. We've already erected the Christmas tree and not surpisingly, H. was fascinated with it- the lights, the beads, the balls-a toddler's dream.

And, this year he is old enough to perhaps enjoy Christmas gifts, though probably will be more interested in the boxes that hold his presents. I usually say I won't buy presents for him when he is this young, but I think I'll get him a new Baby Einstein DVD...if only to hear him plead with me to watch his "Modie."

Saturday, October 21, 2006

Husband is gone for the weekend...

It's easier to appreciate husbands when they are gone for the weekend.

Spending a weekend alone with a toddler doesn't give you much bloggable material.

H. is starting to make animal noises...mostly MOO and WUF...Meow elludes him as of today, but it won't be long.

My absolute favorite thing he does now is when he rubs my back when I hug him before I put him down for his nap...

Saturday, October 14, 2006

It's a dreary morning. So before embarking on a 2 hour car ride with Little Grumpy to attend a 90th birthday party for an ailing grandmother, I feel the need to be optimisitc.

Small miracles:
*seeing a friend who's been away for a while and feeling like she never really left
*being happy to spend more time with a friend I see every day
*Italy-the wine and the pasta (this is more of a big miracle)
*family from far away gathering in one place for a celebration
*squirrels, rabits, birds- any thing that moves and quashes a potential meltdown when H. sees them

This is the best I can come up this morning.

Wednesday, October 11, 2006

A fine day to start my blog

I have been thinking for a month or so now about starting my own blog. All my coolest friends have one (even some uncool friends have one!) and I am obsessed with checking them every day to see if a new entry appears.

I was reluctant to start a blog for fear I'd have nothing interesting to write about. After all, I don't have a particularly exciting job nor do I live in big city where I see something interesting every day. Forunately however, I do have two curious objects of affection-my husband and my toddler. So I guess the focus is family life.

I chose this title because it relates to an apt description of parenthood - having children is like having your heart walking around outside your chest. As much as I'd like to attribute this, I can't place where I heard/read it. A preliminary googling reveals that
Princess Leia said this, but that can't be where I heard it. Anyway, it's true. As I watch the little boy go about his business of toddling, playing, dancing, snotting, sleeping and eating, I can't help but feel he holds my heart in the palm of his hand. And, I get the sneaking suspicion he is starting to realize he holds this power.

He is currently running around the halls, I think a little delirious from a fever..the reason why I'm at home from work on this rainy Wednesday. Yesterday at work, when my babysitter called to say that little H. was not well, my heart sank and my instinct was to get on the fastest STO bus to save him. But, thanks to a work committment I was forced to have G. do it instead. Thankfully, G. is just as capable a parent as I am and I knew Little H. was in good hands. And, today I must admit there is a small part of me that is happy he is ill so I can stay home and do what I do best...mother.

My motivation for this blog is for me to search for the wonder in my life and to articulate it...Living in A., somewhat isolated from your friends and confined to the home from 6 p.m cuz the toddler must sleep, gets me down sometimes even though I am aware how blessed I am.

I have to thank C. for encouraging me to blog. When I said I had nothing to write about, she said I could write about my child...and so I will.